In this pivotal moment, stakeholders from the public and private sector, national, international and regional organisations, civil society, academia and research institutions, technical communities and individuals convened in Hamburg to address these transformative issues. Just two weeks after the adoption of the Global Digital Compact in 2024, we united in Hamburg to take an important step towards putting it into practice with the “Hamburg Declaration on Responsible AI for the SDGs” as a goal for 2025, while building on other relevant international processes. The Hamburg Declaration that we will work towards will send an optimistic message: Shaping AI responsibly is a common project for all humanity. It must be an equal partnership among all, especially emerging societies. Wherever we live – with regard to AI, we share many of the same hopes and concerns for the promise of AI. As such, we must work together.

As part of this, the AI for SDGs Compendium will serve as a global registry on AI for Sustainable Development, continuously mapping global AI commitments and matching resources to countries aiming to accelerate their AI and digital development journey. This repository will enable the private sector, civil society, and governmental entities to share information on their global initiatives and efforts in AI for Sustainable Development, in line with globally agreed principles.

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